Hope Explored
If you are new to faith, exploring faith or have questions, we have a great way for you to learn and ask. Hope Explored is a three session series exploring the hope Jesus offers in his life, death, and resurrection. Through engaging video teaching, discussion, and investigating at Luke’s Gospel, Hope Explored shows us how Jesus offers a hope worth having, a hope that won’t disappoint us.
All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored provides an opportunity to discover how he fulfils three great longings we all experience: the longing for hope, peace, and purpose.
Join us online as we engage in these topics in a friendly, everyone welcome environment. Let's explore hope together!
When: 7pm - 9pm, Thursdays, January 11 to 25, 2024 (3 weeks)
Where: on Zoom (The meeting credentials will be provided before the 1st session)
If you have questions, contact hopeexplored@beulah.ca.
Click here to register!