Event Details

Discipleship Experience | WC

Beyond a program, seminar, or life group, the discipleship experience is a catalyst for life-change. It will inspire questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences that are designed to help an individual find themselves in God’s story. During this 10-week experience, participants will engage in various individual rhythms that help them ‘tune in’ to God daily (Bible reading, journaling, and prayer), and then they will meet with the group weekly to talk about what they’ve learned. There will also be other disciplines that we do together such as prayer, sharing our stories, celebrating one another, and serving the community.

WHEN: Thursdays at 7pm, September 26 - November 28, 2024

WHERE: Youth Center | West Campus

COST: $25 (studybook + snacks included)

Please park in the East Parking Lot and enter through the East Entrance.

* Paid childcare is also available.

Click HERE to register

Please contact discipleshipexperience@beulah.ca if you have any questions.

West Campus

Mark Beckberger

Youth Center

Date / Time