Event Details

Congregational Meeting November 26, 2023 | WC

For the last year, our Board of Elders have been praying, studying, and discerning an incredible opportunity to purchase the Millbourne Community Life Centre (MCLC) from the Western Canadian District of The Alliance Canada (our denomination) for a nominal $10. We have done our due diligence regarding the property, calculated the full cost of ownership, and discerned what ministry could look like in Mill Woods for our fifth campus.

So on November 26, 2023, at 7 pm in our West Campus Auditorium, you are invited to a special congregational meeting to hear about our findings, ask questions, and learn why Mill Woods, why us, and why now.

We will make a decision together through a vote, so don't miss this.

Click here for more information about the property Congregational_Meeting_pre-read_Nov_26,_2023.pdf

Note: Only Received Members will be able to vote but all are welcome to come to hear and learn more.

West Campus

Stacy Alexander
(780) 486-4010

Auditorium, West Campus

Date / Time